Not bad.
Animations need to be better and line quality thinner.
Maybe some color?
Not bad.
Animations need to be better and line quality thinner.
Maybe some color?
youre rigth. i already thought about colors but i realy like it black and white. But maybe i will add some color soon ;)
These were great.
Great facial expressions on the characters.
ok animations.
Thanks. I will work on the animations :D
A good song.
I like the vibe coming off this and i like the mix of video footage with the animation.
But the animation and line quality on the characters really need work.
thanks for the feedback. I thought that myself with the lining, I'm currently using an iPad and my finger so hat's why the lines are really jagged but hopefully getting a new tablet at some point. glad you liked the project and will work on better quality in future.
I'm not a fan of stick figure animations, but Ill make an exception.
The story and plot was amazing, well narrated, and a joy to listen to:)
Thank you very much! I have another one I'm going to upload soon which I hope you'll make an exception for too!
I was wondering when I'd see another "sexual lobster" video again.
Original and funny just like all the others.
A beagle named "Shaniqua".. simply amazing.
Really nice animation, video quality, etc.
Professional Quality Animation.
I would like it better if it wasn't just a "butterfinger" commercial.
That very aspect makes me laugh really hard but i agree that there's not much else to it aside form the personal entertainment. This definitely won't be a regular thing i do
I like the choice of old music.
Animations not bad.
"eh" its ok.
Skitzo toons are not for fact its original audience died horribly, so its not like they were appealing to begin with heh. Watch at your own risk!
Great drawings and detail with ok animation.
I'm glad it "sort of" had a happy ending.
Thanks for your review Chris!
Digital Artist & Animator
Joined on 3/25/16