The art style is really nice, its like watching an animated children's storybook.
I like how it loops at the end.
It's a beautiful animation.
The art style is really nice, its like watching an animated children's storybook.
I like how it loops at the end.
It's a beautiful animation.
Where have you been? I missed you...
Another great one. Love the character's and humor.
nice animation
Is that music from "death note" sounds familiar.
I've never seen a 3 minute video about 'mexicana doritas" before...this is a first.
yes it is! good ear dewdd
A nice short.
just jumpin' bumpin' n never slumpin' !!!
I havn't seen your animations in years.
Gross..but i'm happy to see that your still making stuff.
Thank You so much!!! I am definitely back in action for good! XD
I always look forward to these.
They always cheer me up.
Hello, Chris. Spoople here.
Sorry to hear you need cheering up, but if there is one thing I do know (and I know a lot, Chris) it's that I am very entertaining.
You are very kind leaving this comment.
Happy Presentation Day.
Okay then.
I remember the brak show, when i was really young.
That and "space ghost, coast to coast"
Ah...the nostalgia.
The design of brak seems kind of wobbly and rough compared to what I remembered.
But its a good effort and I though the voice acting was spot on:)
Yeah, I didn't really practice drawing Brak before jumping into this so it wasn't always (if ever) on model, though I think it turned out fine despite that. Also wasn't sure if I should animate Brak in the Samurai Jack style, the Brak Show style, or my own style, but ultimately I decided it'd work better if it was just completely different from Samurai Jack, to really sell the immersion breaking.
Shit now that I've typed that out it sounds kinda pretentious lol
Either way, Brak for President
This video has nothing much except for what was in the previous videos...
video transitions every 3 or 5 seconds, gritty facial expressions, someone crying, someone giving a serious face or looking stoic, and some blood and dirt mixed in.
I know this is an ending sequence, and its suppose to look like the way that it does.
Its just that...this is nothing new.
your last two animations looked exactly alike.
The animation and drawings are definitely great, but they feel watered-down, because we've seen this style so many times before.
The song....
Did you make that yourself?
Otherwise you should give credit somewhere.
(unless you already did, its written in japanese, and I missed it.)
I don't know,
but a bunch of dramatic close ups and serious faces is kind of getting old and feeling over played.
That's fair, the main reason I made this was to emulate anime endings and how they are pretty basic (running and walking because of anime studios reusing practice walk cycles and such). Also, while making the anime short, I realized I didn't have an ending so I whipped this up in the meantime! Thanks for the feedback.
A funny and weird cartoon.
The voice acting and dialogue was really great.
Hello. Spoople here.
Thank you for the kind words. I have been told that I have the voice of an angel. However many people don't know that angels communicate by claps and blinks.
Digital Artist & Animator
Joined on 3/25/16