
1,446 Movie Reviews

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Reminded me of shows like Squidbillies, and Aqua teen hungerforce. It had that late night 2:30am adultswim vibe. I liked the creepy humor and characters. Really Good.

ThriftVideo responds:

Exactly! You da man. More to come...

What stood out the most for me was the music. I really liked the choice in background music. It really sets the mood of the film and the rhythmic hip-hop beat really fits well with the animation. The animation and video quality looks clean and is really good. The quick cuts and camera angles are used at the right time and really make things more intense and interesting. Well Done!

That caterpillar with nipples was funny. The subtitles were random and hilarious. I felt like I was watching some messed up cartoon from back in the day. Overall, very funny and well made.

studiodenny responds:

thank you very much, ya the over sized nipples on angry pete (worm cock) crack me up cause its a reference to the one jonah brother who has the huge man nipples.

Needs more work to show. You have like 15 seconds of actual animation footage.

Animation, camera angles, and video quality are excellent. I liked the story. It was very original and had good humor.
What really got my attention was the girls facial expressions. It added a lot of warmth and personality to the story. I can't wait to see the next episode.

UniversalHeat responds:

Thanks! I've been trying to make my characters more emotive with each project. Of course, it's easy to focus on animating your main character's face when most of the remaining cast are wearing gas masks ;)

I couldn't tell what was coming out of that turkeys butt hole. A bird or something? Made me laugh. animation was ok but it fit well with the story. I liked it, very funny.

funymony responds:

Thank you. :D

This guy should learn to back up his work to some external devices. Losing two weeks worth of work isn't that bad. Two months would be bad. Animation is good.

I didn't understand the significance of the story (rabbits eating other rabbits) Animation was ok.

I'm visiting M-Candy.com, because you told me too:)

As an elder scrolls fanatic. I thank you Dan Bull and Happy Harry for reminding me who I am with this masterful animation:)

Digital Artist & Animator

Chris Mckiernan @ChrisMckiernan



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