
1,446 Movie Reviews

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"Wweeelll... the young prince has arrived."
My favorite line.

"It does what it is told.. or it gets the hose."
Was that dialogue inspired from Silence of the Lambs?

Love the opening and ending sequence.
Amazing as always.
I'm always looking forward to next episode:)

Good video quality, good audio, and good special effects.

Character designs are ok and they work with the rest of the movie.

The guys eyes are looking away and in random directions as hes talking to the girl.
The attempt at lipsync or moving mouth doesn't match with the audio at all and is way too slow.
The movie itself went by very fast and I had to watch this video 3 times in a row to understand what what was going on.
I didn't understand the joke or how this is suppose to be funny.

The character designs are ok.
The background is nice.
The video quality and resolution is good.

Animation was good.
A creepy and interesting story.
Though, I didn't like how it ended with a cliffhanger.

I wished the characters and backgrounds had more depth.
It would look better if the line quality on the characters and backgrounds were thinner.

Overall, it was interesting to watch.

RamLama responds:

Thanks for the input! I'll take your advice on line quality and depth into consideration.

I've started roughing out the follow-up video. If I'm able to pull it off, it should give a little more context. I'm not 100% confident since I'm new to animation, but I'm looking forward to trying.

I wish the bear, bunny, and backgrounds were a bit more detailed and didn't look so flat.
The bear's character design looked weird to me. Especially when its mouth was open towards the end.

The animation was ok.
The bear growl audio was well timed.
It was kind of short. It would have been better if it was at least a minute longer.

Very educational.

Great video quality
The animation was simple but worked well with the movie.

I can see this as a commercial for a pharmaceutical company on tv.
Very well made.

This was a good pokemon and attack on titan cross-over.
The charizard was creepy looking and matched Eren Jaeger's titan form but in a pokemon version.
I aslo noticed that you added the eyes and facial expressions of the titans in the anime to the pokemon.
Kudos to you for doing that.
The animation and character designs were good.

The japanese audio from attack on titan wasn't that clear or of the best quality.
The colors seemed bland and not at a high enough resolution.
It also would have been better if it was at least a minute or two longer.
It seemed very short to me

This was an interesting and original idea.

Zalfurius responds:

I used a lot of colours with low saturation to try and match the overall tone of attack on titan. I'll try and think more about the use of colours next time. About the resolution, I'll see if I can upload a clearer version. Thanks for the review dude!

Hilarious, smart, great story, great one-liners, and excellent animation.

Character designs are between ok and good.
The moving mouths or the attempt at lipsyncing works. It makes the characters feel more alive and personable.

Its very fast and short (less than 30 seconds)

A tip, you don't have tell the viewer Cici has a sexy butt. Show it.
Let the audience decide.

Overall, its a decent start.

Digital Artist & Animator

Chris Mckiernan @ChrisMckiernan



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