This was excellent.
The music at the end really made it special.
This was excellent.
The music at the end really made it special.
This was really fun to watch. I felt some nostalgia while watching your video,
because i use to watch a lot of Dragon ball and Dragon ball Z a long long time ago.
The animation and drawings are excellent.
It leaves me wanting more.
I'm not a fan of the art style that you showed in this.
But the animation was very smooth and i could tell that you have a lot of skill and experience in what you do.
A good professional quality reel:)
thank you for the feedback!! I appreaciate it!
The voice acting is identical to the david firth voice acting.
Has the same great creepiness also.
whats with all the penis's?
All that stress about deadlines in college was all b.s.
Deadlines at a job where you get paid, thats a whole other matter.
Looking back, all that stress in college was misplaced and pointless.
All you have to do is let go and do what you do naturally(if your an artist).
stress is a distraction, that doesnt exist except in your own mind.
Good drawings and interesting story.
Do you have a problem with penises? They are a beautiful part of the human form. Also, good for a cheap laugh when I'm drawing.
Thanks for watching, though!
A nice funny short.
Didnt really get the humor in this one, but its a good one.
Deep and hilarious.
The moon boi song at the end was a beautiful touch.
Am i the only one, or does that bald eagle look like a turkey?
I love this series.
The humor is amazing.
Digital Artist & Animator
Joined on 3/25/16