Basic Income sounds nice all around.
If it was enacted in the United States (where I live), do you think it would work?
The United States is already in heavy debt (as the whole world knows) and i feel like the money would have to come from somewhere.
Taxing the rich would be difficult, they are already fucked up the U.S. economy, and they'd shoot down any law or program that would cost them any pocket change.
While middle class, people in their mid to late twenties (like me), have bachelor degrees working multiple retail jobs with high school kids and still having trouble paying bills and feeding themselves.
When I go on job interviews for full time work, even though I'm a graduate, they refuse to hire me because I lack work related experience.
I'd be thankful to hear your take or opinion on this.
The argument your trying to make is clear and concise and full of convincing facts and real-life situations.
This video is a good length without being too long.
The character designs are simple but are appropriate.