A nice comical animation.
It a has a good story.
The 2d animation and effects are good, even though the characters are basic.
A nice comical animation.
It a has a good story.
The 2d animation and effects are good, even though the characters are basic.
The animation on the father was perfect.
Great style, video quality, etc.
The characters were great.
It was short though.
Great as usual.
enough said.
My first impression of this was that it reminded of the show "Kablam!" that used to be on nickelodeon when I was a kid.
It also reminds me of something I'd see late night on adultswim.
I really liked the 2d animation up against the live action props and models.
You don't really see that kind of style anymore. It filled me with nostalgia.
I also liked the way end (credits),
because of the green BOOBIEZ! on the cave woman.
I'm looking forward to the next episode or short:)
This reminds me of saturday morning cartoons.
Great story, great voice acting.
Good flash animation. Its very ambitous and well made.
The backgrounds looked flat, but the character designs were good.
Those lyrics are legendary!
Unique, sweet milky, perfection!
I missed those two (Fernando and Gooseman)
I wonder...
What ever happened to Randy?
Good designs, backgrounds, and animation.
Lipsync was spot on.
Its short though and the humor was ok.
Animations ok.
Don't know who these people are and I don't really care either.
It was too short and didn't understand what was going on.
Poor LInk, lol.
Great background
I didn't like the charcter desings at first, but then they grew on me.
This was good.
Digital Artist & Animator
Joined on 3/25/16